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District Council


District Council


The first democratic elections to Majdan Królewski District Council in postwar Poland were held on May 27, 1990. At present, the Council consists of 20 councillors: 5 from Majdan Królewski, 4 from Krzątka, 3 from Huta Komorowska, 3 from Komorów, 2 from Brzostowa Góra, 2 from Wola Rusinowska, 1 from Rusinów. The governing bodies of the district are the District Council and the Management Board of the Council as its executive body, presided by the wójt (mayor).

Within the District Council there are the following standing commissions:

  • Inspection Commission
  • Commission for Economic Development, Finances and Agriculture
  • Commission for Education, Health, Social Affairs, Environmental Protection and Family Affairs
  • Commission for Public Order and Local Government

The District Council also supervises the following entities and facilities

  • Social Welfare Centre
  • District Culture Centre
  • District Public Library
  • Education Board, which is responsible for the finances and administration of the primary schools and the junior high school in the district.

The activity of the local government in the years 1990 - 2000 resulted in the accomplishment of the biggest number of projects in the history of the district:

IN 1990-95

  • Completion of the gas network in the district
  • Drilling of depth wells
  • Construction of the Town Hall and a shopping centre in the Market Square as well as a fire station in Komorów
  • Solid waste dumps
  • Telephone network in the village of Komorów
  • Extension of the school in Krzątka and installation of gas heating in all the schools in the district
  • Construction of the school in Brzostowa Góra, water intake and sewage treatment plant

IN 1996-2000

  • Construction of a drinking water pumping station, a gym in Krzątka, the junior high school
  • Development of the telephone network in the district
  • Completion of the water-pipe network in the district, construction of the sewage network, bus stops and pavements,
  • Paving the squares and streets in Majdan Królewski, reelectrification of the district
  • Extension of the school and the health centre in Majdan, renovation of the District Culture Centre

The accomplishment of so many projects and enterprises involved huge financial outlays, which the district could not have afforded with its modest budget. Thus the money was provided by provincial and central foundations. The man who contributed to this development to the greatest extent was the mayor Tadeusz Cebula, who held office for three consecutive terms. The mayor was highly regarded as the administrator and organizer of education, health care, culture and sport both by the majority of the district citizens and people from adjacent districts. In appreciation of his work for the development of the district, the citizens put him up as a candidate in the competition OUR MAN IN OFFICE, which was organized by Channel 1 of Polish television under the auspices of the Speaker of the Sejm (Polish Parliament). In the third edition of the competition, Tadeusz Cebula was shortlisted in the Minor Chapter as the first representative of local government politicians of the Province of Podkarpacie.

On 27 September 2001, under resolution No XX/160/2001, the District Council unanimously elected Mr Jerzy Wilk mayor of Majdan Królewski District. He was reelected in the elections to the local government in 2002 and is holding office during the present term. Mr Wilk graduated in civil engineering from Cracow Polytechnic. From January 1999 to September 2001 he was a deputy for the Starosta of Kolbuszowa, and since October 2001 he has been the mayor of Majdan Królewski District.

Jerzy Wilk

UG Majdan Królewski
  • Baza Dobrych Praktyk
  • Centralna Ewidencja Działalności Gospodarczej
  • Gminny Ośrodek Kultury i Biblioteka w Majdanie Królewskim
  • Gminny Zakład Wodociągów Kanalizacji i Oczyszczania w Majdanie Królewskim
  • KRUS Placówka Terenowa Tarnobrzeg
  • Muzeum ks.Kard. Adama Kozłowieckiego
  • OSP Majdan Królewski
  • Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej w Majdanie Królewskim
  • Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w Kolbuszowej
  • Starostwo Powiatowe w Kolbuszowej
  • Stowarzyszenie LGD Siedlisko
  • Wojskowa Komenda Uzupełnień w Mielcu
  • Wrota Podkarpackie
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